
be the good, because god loves the goodness


Golongan putih atau yang disingkat golput adalah istilah politik di Indonesia yang berawal dari gerakan protes dari para mahasiswa dan pemuda untuk memprotes pelaksanaan Pemilu 1971 yang merupakan Pemilu pertama di era Orde Baru. Pesertanya 10 partai politik, jauh lebih sedikit daripada Pemilu 1955 yang diikuti 172 partai politik. Tokoh yang terkenal memimpin gerakan ini adalah Arief Budiman. Namun, pencetus istilah “Golput” ini sendiri adalah Imam Waluyo. Dipakai istilah “putih” karena gerakan ini menganjurkan agar mencoblos bagian putih di kertas atau surat suara di luar gambar parpol peserta Pemilu bagi yang datang ke bilik suara. Namun, kala itu, jarang ada yang berani tidak datang ke Tempat Pemungutan Suara (TPS) karena akan ditandai. Golongan putih kemudian juga digunakan sebagai istilah lawan bagi Golongan Karya, partai politik dominan pada masa Orde Baru.

Apa bahayanya jika Golput? 
Berikut 5 alasan kenapa kita sebagai warga Negara Indonesia yang berdaulat tidak boleh golput.
  1. Wibawa pemerintah di mata rakyat akan hancur. Jika akhirnya terpilih wakil – wakil dan pemimpin rakyat dari sebagian kecil pemilih sedangkan sebagian besar dari pemilih memilih untuk golput, maka pemerintahan tidak akan mendapatkan dukungan dan simpati dari rakyat dengan maksimal. Rakyat akan lebih memilih fokus kepada sesuatu, kelompok bahkan negara yang dirasakan mampu mensejahterakan hidup mereka, yang sejalan dengan aspirasi mereka, yang bisa melindungi mereka dan dekat dengan mereka. Hal ini sempat hampir terjadi pada diri saya sendiri, saya sempat mendaftarkan diri dalam program Green Card yang difasilitasi oleh Amerika Serikat, karena saya merasa dengan saya memiliki Green Card, maka kesejahteraan saya bisa terjamin oleh negara yang kuat secara financial dan lainnya. Bukan hanya Green Card, banyak contoh yang bisa kita lihat dan dengar setiap hari seperti jumlah TKI dan TKW yang terus bertambah peminatnya, orang – orang pintar dan terbaik bangsa yang memilih mengabdi kepada negara lain, karena mereka mendapatkan recognition dan terjamin kesejahteraannya disana. Jika demikian, maka rakyat tidak banyak ambil pusing dengan pemerintah, tidak akan banyak terketuk jiwanya untuk bela negara, karena mereka sudah terlanjur kecewa dan tidak percaya dengan negaranya.
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Statement of Financial Position [Balance Sheet]

Statement of Financial Position, also known as the Balance Sheet, presents the financial position of an entity at a given date. It is comprised of three main components: Assets, liabilities and equity.
Statement of Financial Position helps users of financial statements to assess the financial soundness of an entity in terms of liquidity risk, financial risk, credit risk and business risk.

Classification of Components

Statement of financial position consists of the following key elements:

An asset is something that an entity owns or controls in order to derive economic benefits from its use. Assets must be classified in the balance sheet as current or non-current depending on the duration over which the reporting entity expects to derive economic benefit from its use. An asset which will deliver economic benefits to the entity over the long term is classified as non-current whereas those assets that are expected to be realized within one year from the reporting date are classified as current assets.

A liability is an obligation that a business owes to someone and its settlement involves the transfer of cash or other resources. Liabilities must be classified in the statement of financial position as current or non-current depending on the duration over which the entity intends to settle the liability. A liability which will be settled over the long term is classified as non-current whereas those liabilities that are expected to be settled within one year from the reporting date are classified as current liabilities.

Equity is what the business owes to its owners. Equity is derived by deducting total liabilities from the total assets. It therefore represents the residual interest in the business that belongs to the owners.
Equity is usually presented in the statement of financial position under the following categories:
  • Share capital represents the amount invested by the owners in the entity
  • Retained Earnings comprises the total net profit or loss retained in the business after distribution to the owners in the form of dividends.
  • Revaluation Reserve contains the net surplus of any upward revaluation of property, plant and equipment recognized directly in equity.

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IFRS 7 — Financial Instruments: Disclosures

IAS 7 Statement of Cash Flows requires an entity to present a statement of cash flows as an integral part of its primary financial statements. Cash flows are classified and presented into operating activities (either using the 'direct' or 'indirect' method), investing activities or financing activities, with the latter two categories generally presented on a gross basis.

IAS 7 was reissued in December 1992, retitled in September 2007, and is operative for financial statements covering periods beginning on or after 1 January 1994.

For operating cash flows, the direct method of presentation is encouraged, but the indirect method is acceptable [IAS 7.18] 

  • ·         The direct method shows each major class of gross cash receipts and gross cash payments. The operating cash flows section of the statement of cash flows under the direct method would appear something like this:
Cash receipts from customers
Cash paid to suppliers
Cash paid to employees
Cash paid for other operating expenses
Interest paid
Income taxes paid
Net cash from operating activities
  • The indirect methodadjusts accrual basis net profit or loss for the effects of non-cash transactions. The operating cash flows section of the statement of cash flows under the indirect method would appear something like this:
Profit before interest and income taxes

Add back depreciation

Add back amortisation of goodwill

Increase in receivables

Decrease in inventories

Increase in trade payables

Interest expense

Less Interest accrued but not yet paid

Interest paid

Income taxes paid

Net cash from operating activities


The fair value hierarchy introduces 3 levels of inputs based on the lowest level of input significant to the overall fair value (IFRS 7.27A-27B):
  • Level 1 – quoted prices for similar instruments
  • Level 2 – directly observable market inputs other than Level 1 inputs
  • Level 3 – inputs not based on observable market data
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Why Inflation Is Eroding Your Savings

The basic principle behind inflation is that as the money supply increases, so too does the relative price of goods and services. A common sentiment for children to hold is “why can’t we all be millionaires, then there would be no poor people”, or something to that effect. The answer is inflation. In theory we could all be millionaires, but this would drive up the price of consumer goods to reflect the increase in money supply, essentially balancing out society’s new found wealth.

The example of wage parity shares a common connection with how savings are affected by changes in inflation. Your savings must also increase at the same rate of inflation each year in order hold their real worth. If prices are rising annually but your savings remain unchanged, you are able to purchase less with the same amount as you were the previous year. This is why keeping your savings hidden under a mattress is not the smartest investment strategy, even if you ignore the security issues. What the vast majority of us do instead is deposit our savings into the bank.

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